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ProDy can be used for
Let’s perform principal component analysis (PCA) of an ensemble of NMR models, such as 2k39. First, we prepare an ensemble:
from prody import *
import py3Dmol
ubi = parsePDB('2lz3')
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<py3Dmol.view at 0x137061ca0>
Minimize the differences between each structure...
ubi_ensemble = Ensemble(ubi.calpha)
print("Before iterpose",ubi_ensemble.getRMSDs().mean())
print("After iterpose",ubi_ensemble.getRMSDs().mean())
Before iterpose 8.253871223076873 After iterpose 0.7246260755875814
Help on method iterpose in module prody.ensemble.ensemble: iterpose(rmsd=0.0001, quiet=False) method of prody.ensemble.ensemble.Ensemble instance Iteratively superpose the ensemble until convergence. Initially, all conformations are aligned with the reference coordinates. Then mean coordinates are calculated, and are set as the new reference coordinates. This is repeated until reference coordinates do not change. This is determined by the value of RMSD between the new and old reference coordinates. Note that at the end of the iterative procedure the reference coordinate set will be average of conformations in the ensemble. :arg rmsd: change in reference coordinates to determine convergence, default is 0.0001 Å RMSD :type rmsd: float
Principal component analysis (PCA) is a statistical procedure that uses an orthogonal transformation to convert a set of observations of possibly correlated variables into a set of values of linearly uncorrelated variables called principal components. The number of principal components is less than or equal to the number of original variables. This transformation is defined in such a way that the first principal component has the largest possible variance (that is, accounts for as much of the variability in the data as possible), and each succeeding component in turn has the highest variance possible under the constraint that it is orthogonal to the preceding components. The resulting vectors are an uncorrelated orthogonal basis set. --Wikipedia
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var divid = '#pca';
id: divid,
question: "PCA works well for high-dimensional data.",
answers: ['True','False'],
server: "https://bits.csb.pitt.edu/asker.js/example/asker.cgi",
charter: chartmaker})
$(".jp-InputArea .o:contains(html)").closest('.jp-InputArea').hide();
pca = PCA('ubi')
cov = pca.getCovariance()
We have $n$ observations of two variables $x$ and $y$.
<div id="prodyc" style="width: 500px"></div>
$('head').append('<link rel="stylesheet" href="https://bits.csb.pitt.edu/asker.js/themes/asker.default.css" />');
var divid = '#prodyc';
id: divid,
question: "What is the shape of the covariance matrix? We have 21 conformations and 56 atoms.",
answers: ["56x56","21x56","21x168","168x168","63x56"],
server: "https://bits.csb.pitt.edu/asker.js/example/asker.cgi",
charter: chartmaker})
$(".jp-InputArea .o:contains(html)").closest('.jp-InputArea').hide();
(168, 168)
Help on method calcModes in module prody.dynamics.pca: calcModes(n_modes=20, turbo=True) method of prody.dynamics.pca.PCA instance Calculate principal (or essential) modes. This method uses :func:`scipy.linalg.eigh`, or :func:`numpy.linalg.eigh`, function to diagonalize the covariance matrix. :arg n_modes: number of non-zero eigenvalues/vectors to calculate, default is 20, if **None** or ``'all'`` is given, all modes will be calculated :type n_modes: int :arg turbo: when available, use a memory intensive but faster way to calculate modes, default is **True** :type turbo: bool
This analysis provides us with a description of the dominant changes in the structural ensemble.
Each mode is an eigenvector that transforms the original space.
pca[0].getEigval() #mode zero - has highest variance
pca[0].getVariance() #same as eigen value
pca[0].getEigvec() #these are the contributions of each coordinate to this mode
array([ 0.10895504, -0.09862288, -0.00069774, 0.12734766, -0.09529924, 0.01728582, 0.09240989, -0.10821783, -0.00378215, 0.07455981, -0.09152148, 0.00040461, 0.08382771, -0.07502066, 0.01207025, 0.07575377, -0.08990909, 0.00535893, 0.03427309, -0.07144482, -0.00699088, 0.04409968, -0.03099255, 0.00834164, 0.07587458, -0.04170089, 0.00526682, 0.05191522, -0.07196191, 0.00379224, 0.02259604, -0.05094133, 0.00640529, 0.04676089, -0.02941339, 0.00849644, 0.0464955 , -0.05902509, 0.00232354, -0.01470513, -0.03835522, 0.00499573, -0.00278386, -0.00494205, 0.0264534 , 0.0029671 , -0.00770994, 0.0295055 , -0.00796946, -0.01000113, 0.01861126, -0.01755458, 0.01802547, 0.00189692, 0.00765933, 0.04189029, 0.0244628 , 0.00835689, 0.01903618, 0.02190465, -0.0441638 , 0.03989105, -0.01788036, -0.02619707, 0.12531529, -0.02848483, 0.0543055 , 0.13310853, 0.02580789, -0.00745104, 0.07604764, 0.01393704, -0.08793328, 0.19185374, -0.09044218, 0.04279204, 0.30141262, -0.08296667, 0.11576725, 0.26290306, -0.04763831, -0.06185247, 0.22253404, -0.09664783, -0.09239755, 0.08881437, 0.07226983, -0.09992072, 0.07962558, 0.09435603, -0.07784717, 0.09881887, 0.06423209, -0.06198042, 0.08361729, 0.05641675, -0.06530563, 0.06444374, 0.06652602, -0.05987737, 0.08049509, 0.06075073, -0.03014279, 0.0685254 , 0.02757251, -0.03427367, 0.02589602, 0.03518655, -0.06263196, 0.03504964, 0.04866357, -0.04070921, 0.06486652, 0.0448722 , -0.01563442, 0.04627099, 0.02900357, -0.03654269, 0.02419248, 0.03591002, -0.0370253 , 0.05321956, 0.03747252, 0.01672878, 0.0365496 , 0.00822769, 0.01449845, -0.00095547, 0.0234832 , 0.01170215, -0.00056749, 0.02890748, 0.01599113, 0.00464259, 0.01497787, 0.01513886, -0.01650674, -0.01017376, 0.00189782, -0.04663787, 0.01382682, 0.0014967 , -0.02525573, 0.01747316, 0.0288226 , -0.03194735, -0.04478236, 0.00333668, -0.11138434, -0.06761427, -0.04450923, -0.13827834, 0.01175396, 0.00818127, -0.07764186, -0.01066473, 0.02718498, -0.15660379, -0.16482202, -0.09226899, -0.27114029, -0.12982267, -0.13956175, -0.24849636, -0.05827123, -0.00045689, -0.18655049, -0.16752135])
Let’s see the fraction of variance for top ranking 4 PCs:
for mode in pca[:4]:
0.54 0.25 0.08 0.05
array([5.44746801e-01, 2.45008121e-01, 7.53087244e-02, 4.76585603e-02, 2.48514775e-02, 1.89408289e-02, 1.10784476e-02, 8.86489115e-03, 6.56613195e-03, 4.91503637e-03, 3.31646501e-03, 2.68053785e-03, 2.10061548e-03, 1.53720323e-03, 8.39347607e-04, 5.63728260e-04, 3.87769668e-04, 3.44092597e-04, 1.89852401e-04, 1.01367370e-04])
array([1.82836878e+01, 8.22336538e+00, 2.52763522e+00, 1.59959496e+00, 8.34106146e-01, 6.35723241e-01, 3.71833071e-01, 2.97538052e-01, 2.20383316e-01, 1.64966531e-01, 1.11312651e-01, 8.99686184e-02, 7.05043103e-02, 5.15941421e-02, 2.81715643e-02, 1.89207747e-02, 1.30149631e-02, 1.15490015e-02, 6.37213842e-03, 3.40225833e-03])
array([5.44746801e-01, 2.45008121e-01, 7.53087244e-02, 4.76585603e-02, 2.48514775e-02, 1.89408289e-02, 1.10784476e-02, 8.86489115e-03, 6.56613195e-03, 4.91503637e-03, 3.31646501e-03, 2.68053785e-03, 2.10061548e-03, 1.53720323e-03, 8.39347607e-04, 5.63728260e-04, 3.87769668e-04, 3.44092597e-04, 1.89852401e-04, 1.01367370e-04])
We can map the contributions of each mode back onto the atoms to get the fluctuations.
%matplotlib inline
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<py3Dmol.view at 0x16a420ca0>
showProjection(ubi_ensemble, pca[:2]);
showProjection(ubi_ensemble, pca[:3]);
<div id="prodyp" style="width: 500px"></div>
$('head').append('<link rel="stylesheet" href="https://bits.csb.pitt.edu/asker.js/themes/asker.default.css" />');
var divid = '#prodyp';
id: divid,
question: "What do the dots on the previous picture represent?",
answers: ["Conformations","Atoms","Modes","Fluctuations","Covariance"],
server: "https://bits.csb.pitt.edu/asker.js/example/asker.cgi",
charter: chartmaker})
$(".jp-InputArea .o:contains(html)").closest('.jp-InputArea').hide();
Represent a protein a a network of mass and springs. Each point is a residue and springs connect nearby residues. From the static structure, we infer inherent motion.
ANM considers the spatial relationship between protein residues. Nearby atoms are connected with springs. Instead of a covariance matrix, a Hessian is built, and it works on a single structure, not an ensemble.
Anisotropic network model (ANM) analysis can be performed in two ways:
The shorter way, which may be suitable for interactive sessions:
anm, atoms = calcANM(ubi, selstr='calpha')
The more controlled way goes as follows:
anm = ANM('Ubi')
slowest_mode = anm[0]
Mode 1 from ANM Ubi 0.082
array([0.24980938, 0.24410503, 0.08996715, 0.07112073, 0.03707691, 0.03623665, 0.0321058 , 0.02797792, 0.02703105, 0.0237444 , 0.02140593, 0.01979188, 0.01878154, 0.01573741, 0.0154018 , 0.01493917, 0.01476959, 0.01402273, 0.01320577, 0.01276915])
oneubi = ubi
while oneubi.numCoordsets() > 1:
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<py3Dmol.view at 0x1370a8a30>
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jupyter labextension install jupyterlab_3dmol
<py3Dmol.view at 0x107aeea30>
printOverlapTable(pca[:4], anm[:4])
Overlap Table ANM Ubi #1 #2 #3 #4 PCA ubi #1 0.00 +0.74 0.00 +0.20 PCA ubi #2 0.00 +0.20 0.00 -0.36 PCA ubi #3 +0.01 +0.04 0.00 -0.26 PCA ubi #4 +0.01 +0.33 0.00 -0.07
showOverlapTable(pca[:4], anm[:4]);
Compare to Mode 2 of ANM
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jupyter labextension install jupyterlab_3dmol
<py3Dmol.view at 0x17669ea60>
Use ProDy to identify the most variable residues as determined by PCA analysis from NMR ensembles. Given a pdb code (e.g. 2LZ3 or 2L3Y):
download the structure from the PDB,
superpose the models of the ensemble (using iterpose with just the alpha carbons),
calculate the PCA modes (again, just for the alpha carbons).
Use calcSqFlucts to calculate the magnitude of these fluctuations for each atom.
Print out the minimum and maximum squared fluctuation value
Map these values back onto all the atoms of each corresponding residue by setting the B factors (setBetas).
View this pdb in py3Dmol and color by B factor with reasonable min/max
import prody
import py3Dmol
import io
pdb = '2l3y' # 2lz3
prot = prody.parsePDB(pdb)
ensemble = prody.Ensemble(prot.ca)
pca = prody.PCA()
flucts = prody.calcSqFlucts(pca)
print("Min/Max Flucts %.2f %.2f"%(flucts.min(),flucts.max()))
prot.setBetas(0) #not actually necessary
#I feel like there should be a more succinct way to remove
#all but the first coordinate set, but I can't find it
n = len(prot.getCoordsets())
singleprot = prot
#instead of write to a file to get the pdb string,
#can write to a stringIO, which acts like a file
pdbstr = io.StringIO()
prody.writePDBStream(pdbstr, singleprot)
view = py3Dmol.view()
Min/Max Flucts 0.33 144.97
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jupyter labextension install jupyterlab_3dmol
<py3Dmol.view at 0x1765564c0>